Workplace Mental Health: Strategies for Employers

Workplace Mental Health: Strategies for Employers

What Does the Latest TELUS Mental Health Index Reveal About Workers’ Mental Health?

Workers’ mental health has sunk to levels similar to that of the low points during the COVID-19 pandemic, says TELUS’ January 2024 Mental Health Index.  It seems that employers are not providing as much support for psychological health and safety as they could be, but it does not have to be this way.

Not only is investing in mental health benefits and services an easy step to take, but employers should be more proactive in bringing them to the attention of their workers. TELUS reported that 21 percent either do not know if their employer offers such benefits or reported they were not offered.  If the investment is being made, these benefits should be well-known and accessible to employees to derive the most benefit from them.

How Can Employers Effectively Promote Mental Health Benefits and Services?

One further step employers can take to ensure the well being of their employees when it comes to their mental health is to ensure they have thorough policies in place with regards to workplace violence, harassment, and human rights discrimination.  It is essential that the standards outlined in legislation like the Ontario Human Rights Code and Occupational Health and Safety Act, are met. These pieces of legislation are designed to support the health and well-being of employees in the workplace, psychological and otherwise.  Not only do these policies clearly lay out expectations in the workplace, but proper enforcement demonstrates that there are teeth behind these rules.  Concrete action against a toxic workplace goes a long way in securing the mental health of employees.

Where Can Employers Get Help Crafting Effective Workplace Policies?

Taking proactive steps to support employees’ psychological health and safety can not only improve workplace morale and productivity, but also reduce employers’ exposure to potential costly claims of discrimination and toxic workplaces.  If you would like more information on how Whitten & Lublin can help you craft effective workplace policies to support employee mental health, please contact us online or by phone at (647) 951-8130 today.

Author – Sohrab Naderi