Q&A: Which employment/labour law applies to my matter?

It is not uncommon for an employee to be unsure of which law applies to their employment matter. Specifically, where the place of residence is not the same as the location of their employer. Picture an employee who works and lives in British Columbia, but whose employer company is located in Quebec. To complicate matters, significant changes have occurred to their respective position while on leave. Under what law can the employee rely on?
Federally Regulated Employees
Daniel Lublin, Toronto employment lawyer provides a helpful answer on this topic in his most recent Globe and Mail article. He states that this is dependent on where you live and work and whether or not you are federally regulated. Generally speaking, federally regulated employees are bound by federal legislation.
Read more about this topic on Daniel Lublin’s Globe and Mail column and full article I have to work through my severance. Is this legal?