Q&A: Unjust Performance Review?
This concerns an unjust annual performance appraisal that will affect my salary. My manager is expecting me to sign or to contest, the bogus appraisal this week. Should I do that? What options do I have?
You are not required to sign an unjust performance review that you find to be “bogus”. If you disagree with the fact and content of the review, you should contest it immediately. Otherwise, it will go undisputed in your file and your employer could use it against you to allege cause for your dismissal. Terminating your employment for cause would dis-entitle you from severance.
In your rebuttal, you should include the following:
- Your version of the story;
- Any mitigating circumstances;
- Whether there are any inconsistencies between the negative appraisal and your previous reviews or achievements;
- Whether your performance standards were unreasonable;
- Whether you lacked the support needed to meet your performance standards;
- Whether your deficiencies were communicated to you before the appraisal;
- Whether there were any inequities in the evaluation process;
- Whether there were any inconsistencies between the appraisal process and company policies; and
- Your need for time to improve.
You should also make sure to:
- Challenge the forthcoming reduction in salary;
- Document your disagreement in writing; and
- Request that your rebuttal be placed in your file.
Applying these guidelines will allow you to build your own documentary campaign against cause for your dismissal. If you think your employer is building a case against you, consult with an employment lawyer today.