Ontario Severance Pay

Take Control of Your Outcome

Calculate your termination pay in Ontario

Make sure your severance package is fair and reasonable. Whitten & Lublin provides a free Ontario severance pay calculator to help you determine how much severance pay you may be entitled to. 

Don't move forward without having all your bases covered. Your entitlement may be more than your company is offering, based on your age, tenure, position, and past precedents. Our Ontario severance pay calculator can provide you with helpful needed guidance. Our goal is to ensure you are treated fairly.

Click on the responses that best apply to your circumstances.

Make sure your severance package is fair and reasonable. Whitten & Lublin provides a free Ontario termination pay calculator to help you determine the amount of severance you may be entitled to. Our goal is to ensure you are treated fairly.

Don't move forward without having all your bases covered. Use our free Ontario termination pay calculator to estimate your possible severance. Your entitlement may be more than your company is offering, based on your age, tenure, position, and past precedents. The Ontario severance pay calculator can provide you with the needed guidance.

Click on the responses that best apply to your circumstances.

Understanding the role of our Ontario severance pay calculator

Our Ontario severance pay calculator is designed to provide an estimate of the severance pay owing to employees terminated from their jobs–it can help you get a clearer idea of what you may be owed if your employer has ended your employment. By entering details like your job title, years of service, and age, you’ll receive an estimated severance range based on Ontario law. 

Think of this tool as just the first step in taking control of your outcome. It provides insight into your entitlements based on the Employment Standards Act and common law principles. However, It doesn’t consider every detail, such as the full reasonable notice period, specific contractual issues, availability of comparable work or unique workplace circumstances. These factors often have a big impact on what you’re entitled to receive.

Use the calculator as a guide, but don’t stop there. For a precise understanding of your rights, speak with an experienced employment lawyer. At Whitten & Lublin, our goal is to make sure you don’t leave money on the table.

How to use the severance pay calculator

Getting started with our Ontario termination pay calculator is simple. Input your age, job type, salary range, and years of service. You’ll instantly receive a severance estimate tailored to your situation.

What can you expect? A range that reflects typical severance amounts under Ontario law. But severance pay can be more complex than it seems. To ensure you’re fully protected, connect with us. We’ll review your situation and provide the guidance you need to move forward confidently.

What factors determine severance pay entitlements?

Your severance pay isn’t arbitrary. It’s shaped by several key factors:

Length of service: The longer you’ve worked, the greater your entitlement is likely to be.

Age: Older employees may receive higher severance due to increased difficulty in finding new work.

Job Type: Senior or specialized roles often result in higher severance to reflect their unique challenges.

Salary Range: Employees with higher salaries often receive larger severance packages to reflect the time it may take to secure a comparable position.

These factors, along with your employment contract, and other factors, come together to determine your severance. For a clear understanding of what you’re owed, legal advice is essential.

Am I entitled to a severance package?

For many employees in Ontario, the answer is yes. Many terminations, including those without cause or due to restructuring, entitle you to severance pay.

Even if your employer claims just cause, it’s not always final. The legal standard for cause is extremely high, and employers often fall short of meeting it. Before you accept their reasoning—or an unfair offer—seek legal advice from an experienced employment lawyer. You may be entitled to much more than they are offering.

How can I tell if my severance package is fair?

At Whitten & Lublin, we know how overwhelming it can be to evaluate a severance package. Many offers appear straightforward but they can often fail to reflect your full entitlements. 

That’s why we created the Severance Solution®. Our proprietary system is designed to help you stay in control of your severance. Combining Canada’s leading intelligence software with insights from over 24,000 cases, the Severance Solution® predicts your most likely outcome with 90% accuracy.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Consultation – You’ll meet with one of our assessment professionals to review your case. Then you will consult with one of our leading employment lawyers.
  2. Analysis – Our proprietary databases are used to assess the financial compensation of your case, and the severance behaviour and traits of your employer.
  3. Action – We develop and execute a tailored plan to secure the best possible outcome for you.

How can Whitten & Lublin employment lawyers help with your severance pay issues?

Severance negotiations can be daunting, but you don’t have to face them alone. At Whitten & Lublin, we ensure you’re treated fairly and compensated fully.

Our employment lawyers have significant experience in severance negotiations and know how to uncover the details that matter—whether it’s poorly worded contracts, missed entitlements, or outright unfair offers. 

Don’t settle for less than you deserve. With us by your side, you can take control of your outcome. Contact us today to get started.

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