Does your PDA stress you out?
By Brian Norris
The flow of information is paramount in today’s workplace. With the advent of hand held devices like RIM’s Blackberry and Apple’s Iphone, employers often expect instant 24-7 communication with their employees.
Recently, an increase in reported stress levels, coupled with a high suicide rate, has forced France Telecom to reconsider the day-to-day demands the company places on employees. In last week’s Globe & Mail article, the European telecommunications giant addresses the issue and touches on some of the methods they intend to draw on to decrease employee stress levels.
Issues stemming from PDA use are not new. Follow this link to Daniel Lublin‘s piece on how Blackberry slip ups can leave you in legal trouble at your job.
Brian Norris is the office manager at Whitten & Lublin LLP, an employment law firm providing counsel to both employers and employees on workplace matters. Brian can be reached at [email protected].