Should you accept a demotion due to your illness?
I was injured at work and subsequently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, which my doctor says is likely related to the injury but not really provable. My performance at work has suffered due to this disease, also because of absences due to hospital visits and the like. I had never been written up before until my injury and now it seems like they are trying to get rid of me. They are essentially forcing me to step down from my management position or I feel like I will be fired. As it stands now, I have actually agreed to step down, so it may be too late for me to do anything about it, but I feel that I was railroaded into this decision.
You are not required to accept a unilateral demotion, especially if the reason your performance has suffered is related to an illness. Your employer is required to accommodate your autoimmune disease, and related absences, to the point of undue hardship. Tell the employer you’ve changed your mind – you are no longer prepared to move into the new job; you want to be accommodated in your existing management position. If they refuse, call a lawyer or the human rights legal support centre.
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