Employment offer was ended before it started
Employment offers are known to make recruits pleased and satisfied with the prospect of beginning a new journey. It also gives them a sense of security in knowing that their financial obligations will be met. What if an employee is given a job offer and this offer is ended before employment begins? Does the employee have grounds for a law suit or legal recourse? Does this classify as a breach of contract?
The answer is based on a number of factors, including, but not limited to your ability to obtain alternative employment or restrictions that prohibit you based on your employment contract. Daniel Lublin, Toronto employment lawyer points out that where an Agreement is signed and cancelled before work begins, this is considered a breach of contract. For specific employment advice, consult with an employment lawyer to guide you through the assessment of your situation and to provide you with legal feedback.
Read Daniel Lublin’s Globe and Mail column and full article I got fired after my operation