How Severance Package Lawyers Review Your Severance Pay?

How Severance Package Lawyers Review Your Severance Pay?

A person’s job represents something so fundamental to their day-to-day life and sense of purpose that if they are let go from their place of employment it naturally leaves them in a position of uncertainty about what lies ahead. The first step for most who have their employment terminated is to assess/review the severance package that their employer offered them.

Severance package lawyers are able to assess a person’s severance pay and determine whether it is fair through a few key steps. First, the employment lawyer will look at the person’s written employment contract, if applicable, to determine if the contract states what that person is entitled to if they are let go. In reviewing the contract, lawyers will not only be looking to see if the contract specifies what the person is entitled to, but a good severance package lawyer will also be able to determine if the language in the contract is legally enforceable. 

If the person does not have a written employment contract, if the contract does not specify the person’s entitlements upon termination, or if the contract’s language is unenforceable a severance package lawyer will then look at the person’s individual circumstances to determine what a court would likely award that person. Courts use factors such as the person’s length of service with that employer, their current age, and the type of work they performed to determine the appropriate severance period for that individual. Lawyers will use these same factors and look at past court decisions as guidance for predicting what would be a fair severance package for the terminated individual.

If you have recently been let go from your employment position and are unsure about your severance package entitlements we encourage you to seek legal advice to better understand your rights.  We at Whitten & Lublin are happy to provide insight and advice into your specific circumstances. If you are looking for employment lawyers or severance package lawyers and would like more information about what Whitten & Lublin can do for you, please contact us online or by phone at (416) 640-2667 today.