Common Employment Law Questions
Question: If working in a salaried position and being in sales (during a time of low sales) can your employer “pull salary” away from you and place you solely on …
Question: If working in a salaried position and being in sales (during a time of low sales) can your employer “pull salary” away from you and place you solely on …
In its recent decision in RBC Dominion Securities Inc. v. Merrill Lynch, the Supreme Court of Canada has reinforced an employee’s duty to provide reasonable notice of resignation as well …
In a recent Ontario Superior Court decision, Adjemian v. Brook Crompton North America, 2008 CanLII 27469 (ON S.C.), Daniel A. Lublin successfully argued for and won a Motion for Summary …
A dispute between Muslim workers and a Nebraskan meat packing plant regarding employee breaks has recently made national and international news headlines. The JBS Swift plant is in hot …
As reported by the Toronto Star, Rick Sullivan sent an email to pal Jason Wade regarding rumours about former co-worker, Ronald Harrington. The contents alleged that Harrington was dismissed from …
Diane LaCalamita, former lawyer at McCarthy Tetrault, has filed a 12 million dollar wrongful dismissal suit against her former employer. According to the National Post article, link below, she has …
Nine years after being caught on camera for stealing a toonie from her employer, Tim Horton’s, Charlene Walsh may now have some answers about her termination. In 1999 Walsh was …
On May 27, 2008 the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal ruled in favour of BC Ferries with respect the the firing of transsexual employee, Deborah Magnone. Deborah, who was previously …
Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s), such as BlackBerrys, have grown in popularity. So much so, that employer’s are beginning to regulate the use of these devices at and even away from …
Canadian employers often protest that workplace laws favor their employees. My view is otherwise. Most employees lack the necessary bargaining leverage or sophistication to renegotiate unfavorable contract language. Should confrontation …