Selecting the Ideal Employment Lawyer: A Guide
In the quest for an employment lawyer, particularly the one deemed the best for you, here are the top 3 tips you should consider when selecting an attorney to address …
In the quest for an employment lawyer, particularly the one deemed the best for you, here are the top 3 tips you should consider when selecting an attorney to address …
Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s), such as BlackBerrys, have grown in popularity. So much so, that employer’s are beginning to regulate the use of these devices at and even away from …
In Canada, the doctrine of constructive dismisal applies, which states, among other things, that it is a implied term of the employment contract that employee’s will be treated with civility, decency, respect and dignity. The breach of this term, on an objective basis, may permit the employee the resign and then sue for wrongful dismissal damages, having been able to consider the employer’s actions as tantamount to dismissal