How Does an Employment Contract Become Legally Binding?
If a court were to analyze any terms of the employment contract in a case for damages, the court would seek to determine whether the contract was enforceable. One key …
If a court were to analyze any terms of the employment contract in a case for damages, the court would seek to determine whether the contract was enforceable. One key …
It is important to avoid mistakes when administering a severance, as it may lead to further damages or compensation if challenged. When dismissing an employee for anything other than misconduct, …
When an employer unilaterally changes an essential term of the employment contract, the only remedy in employment law would be for an employee to file constructive dismissal claims. What this …
Often, the most cost effective way to fulfill a temporary business need is to hire an individual on a fixed term contract. However, what may not be known to most …
Securing your employment is something every employee wants and it is reasonable for an employee to want protection from being dismissed. In the worst case scenario, employees want to know, …